Thursday, November 6, 2008

Elections 2008 - Mr. Poehler


I am Mr. Poehler the Graduate student in Mr. Hornby's room for the last four weeks. I have been on assignment in Kauri class as the last assignment for the Primary Education course. I will graduate at the end of November and be a qualified Teacher!

I am American, and I have just finished voting in the Elections for President. This election was particularly exciting, as it was a very controversial one for several reasons. It was the second Term for W. Bush, and as such he had to step down. This meant that there was going to be a new President that nobody had known before.

Another reason it was exciting was that it was the first time an African American had a serious chance of being elected. This is a very important point in history, and very surprising for a lot of people, beacuse voters who had been not only traditioonally Republican, but those who had been traditionally Conservative Democrate had been swayed and convinced to vote against thier historical behaviour.

The result this week then has been Surprising and Pleasing for millions of people, and a potentially huge turnig poinjt in both American politics and history.

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